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We carry out our activities with commitment and expertise. We relentlessly seek solutions to your problems and implement them with professionalism.

These values are necessary in order to :

  • Find ethical solutions to the aging population and the potential dehumanization due to budget cuts and the increasing automation of many services,
  • Improve the living conditions of our fellow citizens, our seniors and their caregivers who must take care of them, often at a distance and without sufficient financial means,
  • Stimulate and challenge health and social services companies so that they can find their true market, prosper and generate jobs within the territories where they live.



      Our motivation

We all have someone near who is concerned by the loss of autonomy, when dependence becomes a hindrance to his or her social life and fulfillment. Faced with this situation, the founders understood the importance of finding an alternative solution to the one most often proposed today: placement in a specialized institution.

Indeed, in many cases, these establishments are solutions of last resort, not adapted to the situation, nor to the will of the people in a fragile situation.

In order to answer this problem, Cimbiose ingénierie proposes, with the final objective of deploying adapted solutions that meet the needs of the final users, to accompany and get involved with each of the service providers contributing to the implementation of these services. The Cimbiose team, through its professionalism and expertise, is committed to be involved with its customers so that each collaboration results in the satisfaction of all actors involved.